Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Civilized: Lilli Style

My idea of a civilized person is someone who is conscious of their surroundings, themselves, their own stories and their imminent future. Civilized, to me, is completely mental. It is not based on how you cook your food, what kind of shelter you sleep under, or what customs you grew up with. If that were the case, then humans would constantly worry about some unknown, more superior race who will someday come and take over our so-called civilized world. No, a civilized person is kind, someone who loves to learn, is always prepared for obstacles and makes other people better by association. Maybe it is too much of a though out description, but I believe that true civilization is achieved individually, not according to race.


Anonymous said...

I think its cool you like Bob Marley. Im a Bob Marley fan too.

carrie said...

Very thoughtful reflection. Very well written. Do you think that a large group of people can actually be civilized? 20/20 points

Matt W said...

wow u are smart cause ur civilization thing was better than mine and and i can obviously tell u thought about it more than i did :)